nurse divorce

Being a nurse can be very stressful. There’s no question about that. Working 10+ hour shifts along with the demands of the job can be overwhelming at times.

Coupled with the responsibility of raising a family and being married, it can sometimes feel like too much at times. Because of this, it’s no surprise that divorce rates are slightly higher when compared to other professions.

But there is hope. Despite how difficult your situation may seem. Part of coping with the challenges is first understanding why relationships struggle when one spouse is a nurse.

Reasons Why Divorce Rates are Higher Among Nurses

While it’s rarely one thing that leads married couples to divorce, there are some common reasons why. For nurses in particular, here are the ones that tend to create problems in a relationship:

  • Conflicting schedules creating little to no time for each other
  • Spouses not being able to support the other spouse’s responsibilities/career
  • Issues relating to childcare (One spouse bearing more responsibility than the other)
  • Spouses not trying to understand what the other is going through
  • Reduction or lack of intimacy altogether
  • Financial strains

As a result, it’s easy to see how any of these issues can create stress on a marriage. As if caring for patients along with long and odd hours was not enough, maintaining a healthy relationship at home can become quite strenuous if left unaddressed.

At the end of the day, only you know if a divorce is what is best for you. But even if not, there are some things that you can do to help alleviate stress and improve your overall quality of life as a nurse.

Above all, you can accomplish this by focusing more on what’s important in life verses letting your life revolve around your work.

Tips to Cope in a Struggling Relationship as a Nurse

No question that nursing professionals face unique challenges in their relationships. But that that doesn’t mean you cannot have a successful marriage, if you desire one. It will take the commitment of both spouses, however.

Here are a few things you can try if trying to save your marriage:

Consider counseling.

Speaking with a counselor or therapist is a helpful way to discuss challenges in your marriage with a professional who can offer suggestions to improving your relationship.

Speak with a financial advisor.

If financial troubles are hurting your marriage, a financial advisor can help you and your spouse create a plan to reduce debt and better utilize your money.

Take some time off.

Sometimes stepping away from the job for some time to refocus on each other is a great way to reconnect with your spouse. Often, stress from work is brought into the home. When you can reduce this from your life, you can put more effort into one another.

Have a serious talk with your spouse.

It’s easy to fall into a routine and expect certain things from your spouse. But if feelings and expectations are never discussed, then you can only make assumptions about how one another feel in the marriage. Being candid and open with one another can help reduce friction in the marriage because it creates more realistic expectations for one another.

Help from a San Antonio Divorce Attorney

While divorce is not something anyone ever goes into a marriage thinking will happen to them, it does happen. If you have made the decision to divorce, then we are here for you. We are compassionate, understanding and will listen to your every need.

To speak with one of our divorce attorneys, please contact us.


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