Lawyer. Attorney. Advocate. Litigator. As a paralegal at The Whitley Law Firm, P.C., I’ve heard many people use the terms interchangeably. At The Whitley Law Firm, P.C., one term always stands out . . . counselor.

It is defined as, “an expert trained to give advice or guidance to support or empower an  individual in solving problems.”

Ms. Whitley is one of the best divorce attorneys in San Antonio. She has always led by example when it comes to remembering that our clients are not problems, or issues to be solved, but people with problems or issues needing solutions. She insists her entire staff be available and attentive to the individual needs of her clients. We refer to our clients by their name in our office, not descriptions such as “that nasty divorce”.

She has taught us that the very best way to impact a child’s life for the better is to positively impact the life of the parent. She is fond of using flight attendant advice…  “In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop form the ceiling, PLACE THE MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST before helping children or the elderly.” And she is right.

We are San Antonio family law attorneys. We do everything we can to be supportive of our clients. They may be strong people made fragile by terrible situations or smart people so unsettled by the stress of a legal issue they cannot see their next move.

The Whitley Law Firm, P.C., is here to guide our clients forward, to be thorough and creative with solutions. We are here to be attentive to clients’ questions, and ready with information. We are available to give reassurance as a case moves along.

If you are a client, you can expect that whatever your current needs are, as your San Antonio divorce attorney, we will do our best to help you, or find someone who can. If you need to find a therapist in your health plan or one you can afford if you don’t have insurance, we can refer you to someone great. Do you have to find a new home or sell your house?  We can recommend a realtor.  Need a private investigator? Or good movers? Gotcha’ covered. If you have a question about your case that can’t wait, call us. We will answer. Our San Antonio family law attorneys are here to help the person. When we get that right, the legal issues are a snap!

At The Whitley Law Firm, P.C., we try every day to improve the experience of the families that come through our doors.  We never take our client’s trust lightly. We have enjoyed close, personal relationships with many of our clients’ even years after their legal issues were solved and their cases long over.

We have the compassion, training and experience to guide you through to safe ground no matter your legal issue, and we will help you take care of you, first.

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