What Exactly is Family Law?

In San Antonio family law is the area of law that covers domestic issues involving partners, spouses, and children. Below is an overview of the major legal matters that are related to family law in San Antonio.  In reviewing these different areas, you will also get an idea as to whether you should hire a family law attorney.


In every state, there are different legal requirements that need to be met before two people can get married. The way a family attorney can help you before getting married is by assisting with estate planning.  This includes things such as setting up a will, which may include your spouse and any children in the future.

A family law attorney in San Antonio can also help by writing up a prenuptial agreement.  A prenuptial agreement, also known as a prenup, makes sure that assets are divided in the way you and your spouse desire. This is especially important because without an agreement the only thing controlling the division of assets is state law. Should a divorce arise in the future, having a prenuptial agreement can help make the process a bit less complicated.


When it comes divorce, separation, or even annulment, there are a number of steps that need to be taken before these things can happen. In San Antonio, a family lawyer helps navigate these necessary legal steps.  In a divorce, there are often hours of mediation and negotiation involved. The majority of the matters that family law attorneys deal with are related to finances, assets, and other property as well as custody.

Custody is a big part of what family law attorneys have to help with that is not related to finances or property.  If spouses can agree on a settlement, then there is no need to go to court. If there is no mutual agreement, a trial becomes necessary for an agreement to be established.


By definition, alimony is a legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to his or her spouse before or after marital separation or divorce. Alimony or spousal support, is generally either a sum or regular payments to a dependent spouse for a specified period of time.

At our law firm, our attorneys can help make sure a fair agreement is set up for you.


Adoption is the process where a person takes on the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person’s biological or legal parent or parents. In doing so, all rights and responsibilities are transferred, from the biological parent(s). There is some necessary paperwork that has to be filed with the court along with hearings that need to be attended. This is where a family law attorney in San Antonio would be particularly helpful.

Child custody

Child custody and visitation are primary concerns of parents experiencing a divorce or separation. Along with custody comes determination of which parent will provide the following:

  • Living situation
  • Health care
  • Education
  • Financial
  • Health care
  • Holidays
  • Visitation rights

Child support

Child support is an ongoing payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child following the end of a marriage or other relationship. The way family lawyers can help is by obtaining a court order that makes the other parent pay the required child support. At our law firm in San Antonio, we help frequently with child support cases.

Do you think you need a family law attorney?

If you believe that you may need a family law attorney in San Antonio to help defend your case, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. It may be the difference in giving you peace of mind in your life.

The Whitley Law Firm, P.C.: The Whitley Law Firm, P.C. is a family law firm based in San Antonio, TX. Our divorce lawyers work with people all throughout Bexar County and the State of Texas in family related legal matters.
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